Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pinterest Project #1: Earring Holder

Some friends/co-workers and I decided that we are going to have a monthly Pinterest Craft Party. We pin all of these great ideas that we would love to do/have, but don't do anything with them. Hopefully this will keep us motivated to keep making pinterest projects. We had our first monthly party last night and I made an earring holder. 

Unfinished photo frame - size is up to you depending on your needs (mine had a wooden back that I just removed)
Wire Mesh
Ribbon or frame hanger
Acrylic Paint - optional
Paintbrushes - optional

1. Paint the unfinished photo to the desired color
2. Cut the wire mesh down to size
3. Inlay the wire mesh (not directly onto the back of the frame, but down on the lip of where the frame back would have layed)
4. Using a regular stapler, staple the wire mesh in various places. I stapled mine in each corner, middle, and 2 other places on each side. (My unfinished frame had the metal frame back holders that I just also pushed down over the wire mesh to help hold it into place)
5. Hammer the frame hanger on to the frame from where you are going to hang it. (If you choose to hang it with ribbon you could also attach this at this point)
6. Hang on the wall and begin hanging your earrings!

My finished project:

52 Week Home Organization Challenge Update

As you may have noticed I haven't been doing (or posting) the 52 week home organization challenge. The reason is the challenges that have come up are ones I didn't find necessary for me. I skipped:
Week 3: Organize your pantry, spices & food storage because I feel mine is already up to my standards
Week 4: Organize refrigerator & freezer. I don't have enough food in them to even organize :(
Week 6: Create a home recycling center. I don't have the space or a recycling service
Week 7: Organize coupons. I don't use coupons.
Week 8: Healthy Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping. While I wouldn't say my process is healthy, I already have a process in place, which is: 

  • Make a list of recipes I want to cook BEFORE I go grocery shopping so that I make sure to buy the ingredients. 
  • When I get back from grocery shopping I make a list of every single meal I can make with the ingredients I've bought. 
  • Then, each Sunday I make a menu for the upcoming week so that I know if/when anything needs to be thawed out and what we're eating each day.
This brings us up to date because a new challenge will be emailed on Monday, the 27th. I did, however, skip Week 5's challenge of Organize Recipes and Cookbooks, which I may battle this weekend because it is something I've needed to do. I haven't been motivated, though, because the following weeks I haven't needed to do so Week 5 has fallen to the side.

Here's a sneak peek into the upcoming year's challenges & whether you can expect a post from me:
Week 9: Addresses/Contact Information - No
Week 10: Mail - No
Week 11: Bill paying - No
Week 12: Receipts/Tax Documents - No
Week 13: Filing System - Possibly
Week 14: Magazines and Newspapers - No
Week 15: Email and internet passwords, manuals, and warranties - Possibly (I already have a list of all my computer passwords)
Week 16: Home Office - Possibly
Week 17: Cleaning Supplies - Possibly
Week 18: Bathroom - I already did this last week, actually & don't have pictures to show. I cleaned out underneath the master bathroom cabinet & organized as I put everything back in
Week 19: Medicine Cabinet - No
Week 20: Entryway/Mud Room - N/A
Week 21: Living/Family Room - No
Week 22: Dining and/or Breakfast Room - N/A
Week 23: Laundry Room - Possibly
Week 24: Laundry Baskets/Hampers - No
Week 25: Purses/Briefcases - No
Week 26: Books - Probably
Week 27: CDs and DVDs - No
Week 28: Photos - No
Week 29: Crafts - N/A
Week 30: Vehicles - Possibly
Week 31: Pets - Possibly
Week 32: Yard - Possibly
Week 33: Basement - N/A
Week 34: Attic - N/A
Week 25: Garage - Yes
Week 26: Homework area/launching pad - N/A
Week 37: Linen Closet - Yes
Week 38: Master Bedroom Closet - Yes
Week 39: Seasonal clothing switch -  Yes
Week 40: Master Bedroom - Possibly
Week 41: Jewelry/accessories - I actually am already in the process of this now using Pinterest (which I'll post later). I made an earring holder last night and plan to do the same for my necklaces & bracelets
Week 42: Shoes - Yes
Week 43: Makeup/cosmetics - I already did this last weekend while I was cleaning out the bathroom and got rid of a ton of makeup and cosmetics that I hadn't used in years!
Week 44: Organizing kids closet space - N/A
Week 45: Kids Bedroom(s) - N/A
Week 46: Toys & Games - N/A
Week 47: Create personal home inventory - possibly
Week 48: Storage for china, glassware, & crystal - N/A
Week 49: Storing silvery properly - N/A
Week 50: Christmas decoration storage & organization - Yes!
Week 51: Organize wrapping paper & gift bags - Yes!
Week 52: Keep a family calendar - Possibly

Monday, January 16, 2012

52 Week Home Organization Challenge - Week 2

52 Weeks To An Organized Home: Join The Weekly Challenges
This week our challenge was to organize our kitchen cabinets and drawers. Every single cabinet of mine had random some thrown into it and really no set purpose for each, but my drawers are in fairly good, organized condition. So, I set out this afternoon to reorganize my kitchen cabinets and am thrilled with the results!

Before: a mix of glasses, measuring cups and casserole dishes, etc.

After: all of our drinking glasses - everyday, plastic, for work, and wine!

Before: a mix of plastic cups, everyday china, some cutting boards & salad bowl

After: a place for all of our tupperware!

Before: everyday dishes & a dutch oven

After: everyday dishes & china

Before: baking supplies and a random assortment of cooking utensils

After: all random cooking utensils

Before: champagne glasses, random cooking utensils & the dogs meds & cleaning supplies

After: everyday china

Before: tupperware & spices

After: spices & baking supplies

Before: casserole dishes, crockpot (somewhat hidden), our Forman cooker & 1 random large tupperware bowl

After: casserole dishes only!

Before: under the sink cleaning supplies

After: cleaning supplies & dog supplies

Before: china, measuring/mixing bowls, double boiler, wine glasses & pot lids

After: measuring & mixing bowls, crockpot & Forman cooker

Before: pots & pans

After: pots, pans, their lids, double boiler & dutch oven

If you've also chosen to participate, good luck with your challenge!
Next week - organizing the kitchen pantry & food storage :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

52 Week Home Organization Challenge - Week 1

As one of my New Years resolutions I'm taking part in the 52 weeks to an organized home challenge. (See link at the bottom of this post to join). I always feel so much better after I've gone through, cleaned out, and organized things, but I just never take the time to do it unless the mood strikes me, which is rare!

This first week was Kitchen Organization: Countertops and Sinks. Kenny & I have small kitchen so this one was very easily accomplished while cooking a very quick 15 minute meal. I forgot to take before pictures this time, but for the following weeks I will so you can see the difference.

Even in just a small space I felt so much better after I was done.

Here are the after pictures:

This space had a large coffee pot that was only used if my Mom was in town so it went into a cabinet to rest until her next visit. The entire countertop was line with things before.

This area didn't undergo a huge transformation really. I just moved two things of Christmas candy into the pantry. But, this area does usually end up our "drop station" after we walk into the door so the real test will be not to use it for that anymore!

This area didn't undergo a huge transformation either, but there were two more canisters that hold the flour and sugar and I moved those into the cabinet with the baking supplies because they're rarely used.

Take on the challenge because it will be very rewarding!

52 Weeks To An Organized Home: Join The Weekly Challenges