Sunday, April 3, 2011

Artist Statement

I am taking an online Business & Professional Writing class for my masters in Arts Administration. Our assignment due tonight was to submit our artist/designer/administrator statement, personal statement, and resume. It's no secret that once Kenny & I are finally done with school in two years that I want to leave the world of financial aid to work in/on events. So, I thought I would share my artist statement that I created for class. This is something I could see myself editing and elaborating on to incorporate into my company's website one day.

Art has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My earliest and fondest memory is sitting at my grandfather’s kitchen table drawing for countless hours. His patience with my childish skills allowed me to build an artistic foundation that still lives within me today. Growing up, I not only took art class every year in school until graduation, but also participated in visual and performance art classes and camps throughout this time, as well.

Today, my creativity has flourished into a passion for all things involved in event design. My goal in all projects I undertake is to evoke that sense of warmth, love, and patience that my grandfather showed me so many years ago. Events, to me, are, first, patiently listening to a client’s vision and, then, utilizing my skills and experience to make that vision come to life. Events are a means of celebration, whether it is celebrating a non-profit organization’s success, to raise funds and awareness, or celebrating the union of two in love at their wedding, among countless others. It is important while portraying the client’s vision to also infuse entertainment through movement and conversation pieces, as well as through all sensory outlets of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell in order to promote the celebration for which all are gathered for.

I will bring just as much sensitivity and passion to your event as you do, as I know how important each event is to their host or hostess. I look forward to bringing your event to life!