Monday, January 2, 2012

52 Week Home Organization Challenge - Week 1

As one of my New Years resolutions I'm taking part in the 52 weeks to an organized home challenge. (See link at the bottom of this post to join). I always feel so much better after I've gone through, cleaned out, and organized things, but I just never take the time to do it unless the mood strikes me, which is rare!

This first week was Kitchen Organization: Countertops and Sinks. Kenny & I have small kitchen so this one was very easily accomplished while cooking a very quick 15 minute meal. I forgot to take before pictures this time, but for the following weeks I will so you can see the difference.

Even in just a small space I felt so much better after I was done.

Here are the after pictures:

This space had a large coffee pot that was only used if my Mom was in town so it went into a cabinet to rest until her next visit. The entire countertop was line with things before.

This area didn't undergo a huge transformation really. I just moved two things of Christmas candy into the pantry. But, this area does usually end up our "drop station" after we walk into the door so the real test will be not to use it for that anymore!

This area didn't undergo a huge transformation either, but there were two more canisters that hold the flour and sugar and I moved those into the cabinet with the baking supplies because they're rarely used.

Take on the challenge because it will be very rewarding!

52 Weeks To An Organized Home: Join The Weekly Challenges

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